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What is Corteza?

What is Corteza and what can it do?

Corteza is a widely adopted, mature and open source Low-Code Development and Delivery Platform built upon modern technologies. All apps you create in Aire are deployed for your secure use on Corteza.

Corteza allows you to take the app features you offer your organization's users far beyond your initial steps with Aire. For example:

  • Large-scale data models with complex inter-relationships

  • Extensive chart options beyond generic charts, including gauge charts, radar charts, funnel charts, time-series and more

  • Page customization, including complex menu trees, configuration of component blocks, additional component blocks (e.g. tab blocks, navigation blocks, geolocation map blocks, calendar blocks)

  • Visual builder for workflow automation of complex business processes

  • Integration Gateway for API based integration between any Corteza component and any third party data source

  • Security settings for roles, granular permissions, authentication (including OIDC & SAML), MFA, audit and much more

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