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What is the "Aire Gap"?

The difference between Aire and Corteza capabilities

Mind the Gap!

It is and always will be possible to build all Aire apps in Corteza alone. Aire makes app building far easier by leveraging AI to deliver domain and industry-specific data models, workflows, charts and other features in minutes rather than hours or days.

However, while it builds the most important features a user requires, Aire still only leverages a fraction of the features of Corteza.

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An Intelligence Gap?

While developing Aire, we noticed that AI was often either not consistent nor intuitive in how it configured certain features in Corteza. Therefore, we focused on making a set of core Aire capabilities that were tightly aligned with the AI and which we could train to behave predictably. While AI promises much, it is critical that apps are production-grade and based on a mature approach to handling enterprise realities. Corteza is already deployed extensively across enterprises and organisations globally and Aire is literally an AI assistant which makes configuring and deploying these tested Corteza components and features easier.

Example Gaps

As of Aire V1.0, there are dozens of features and, if you include sub-features, hundreds. Here are a few examples.

Maps and Geometry (Geolocation) Fields


Selecting External Authentication Providers

Reducing the Gap

Over time we will add more capabilities to the AI-powered Aire. Our guiding rule of thumb is that the AI must generate a consistent output which makes it both faster and more effective to build an app using Aire Builder rather than directly on Corteza.

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