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Adding Modules in the Wizard

How to add modules in the Wizard

The Add Modules screen lets you add modules to your app. Modules form the basis of your app’s data model and usually represent a type of record, e.g. contact record, account record, timesheet, etc.

Click "Suggest Modules" to have Aire create modules for your app. Set the scope of the output to tell Aire how big a result you want.


You’re dealing with AI here; the numbers aren’t always exact.

To have Aire create more modules, click "Suggest Modules" again. If you're unhappy with Aire’s output, delete any unwanted modules and click "Suggest Modules". Aire will create new modules but leave the ones you didn’t delete in place.

If you want Aire to replace all modules with new ones, select all modules, then delete them and click "Suggest Modules".

You can also add modules manually at any time by clicking “+ Module” and giving the module a name.

Once you’re happy with the modules, click "Add Fields" to go to the next step in the Wizard. If you want to edit your modules at a later stage in the Wizard, you can always return to the Add Modules screen.


Whenever you go back and make changes on the Add Modules screen, it will affect anything else you may have already created, such as fields, relationships and pages. You will need to create new fields, relationships and pages to take into account any changes to the modules.